Invited Presentations/ Lectures at Conferences, Workshops, Research Institutes and Universities (Total: 91)

  1. Invited Speaker, “Can ChatGPT Make You Smarter?” 智慧香港扶輪社, July 26, 2023

  2. Invited Speaker, “Can ChatGPT Make You Smarter? ” ASTRI, July 26, 2023

  3. Invited Speaker, “Can ChatGPT Make You Smarter? ”香港僑界社團聯會商務委員會及青年委員會, June 13, 2023

  4. Invited Speaker, “Can ChatGPT Make You Smarter?”香港專業人士協會, June 12, 2023

  5. Invited Speaker, “Can ChatGPT Make You Smarter?”香港機電工程商聯會,June 11, 2023

  6. Invited Speaker, “Can ChatGPT Make You Smarter?” cocoRobo 2023 “Learn and Use AI”發佈會, June 3,2023

  7. Invited Speaker, “Can ChatGPT Make You Smarter?”明愛專上學院book Launch Forum,May 30, 2023

  8. Invited Panelist, “從頂層思考分析 - 北部都會區青年機遇與大灣區協同”,“粵港澳大灣區-北部都會區青年產業機遇論壇”,May 19,2023

  9. Invited Speaker, “Can ChatGPT Make You Smarter?”Cyberport Management Development Programme,May 12,2023

  10. Invited Speaker, “2023年全國“兩會”主要精神宣講” ,香港從化聯誼總會,May 4, 2023

  11. Invited Speaker, “2023年全國“兩會”主要精神宣講” ,港九勞工社團聯會 ,April 12, 2023

  12. Invited Speaker, “2023年全國“兩會”主要精神宣講” ,中華電力有限公司,April 11, 2023

  13. Invited Speaker, “2023年全國“兩會”主要精神宣講” ,香港專業進修學校、香港高等教育評議會,April 4,2023

  14. Invited Speaker, “Can ChatGPT Make You Smarter? ”, 雋悅工作室, April 1,2023

  15. Invited Speaker, “2023年全國“兩會”主要精神宣講” ,香港稅務學會,March 28, 2023

  16. Invited Speaker, “2023年全國“兩會”主要精神宣講” ,香港專業及資深行政人員協會,March 27, 2023

  17. Invited Speaker, “2023年全國“兩會”主要精神宣講” ,互聯網專業協會、香港資訊科技聯會、香港軟件行業協會、香港科創協會、香港教育工作者聯會,March 22, 2023

  18. Invited Speaker, “2023年全國“兩會”主要精神宣講” ,中國香港(地區)商會,March 13, 2023

  19. Invited Speaker, “2023年全國“兩會”主要精神宣講” ,中國科學技術信息研究所,March 13, 2023

  20. Invited Speaker, "Innovative Technology and Development of the Greater Bay Area" ,Professional Development Programme (PDP) for Newly-appointed Principals (NAPs) in the 2022/23 school year,EDB, February 13, 2023

  21. Invited Panelist, “如何促進粵港澳大灣區人工智能技術的發展與應用”,粵港澳大灣區人工智能與機器人大會, December 21, 2022

  22. Invited Speaker, “香港科技創新與管理”,香港金融管理學院,December 19, 2022

  23.  Invited Panelist, “創科與青年發展”,「講好中國創科故事」- 「人工智能」講座與研討會, 香港政協青年聯會, December 9, 2022

  24. Invited Speaker, “粵港澳大灣區創新科技及發展前瞻”, JUMP x FinTecubator Innovation Seminar Series, Hangseng Bank, December 6,2022

  25. Invited Speaker, “執政報告中數字化經濟解讀”,第十五期香港中資大講堂, November 28, 2022

  26. Invited Speaker, “Introduction to Chatbot & NLP”, JUMP x FinTecubator Innovation Seminar Series, Hangseng Bank, November 24,2022

  27. Invited Speaker, “
    人工智能及機器學習”, 騰訊mini鵝創想營, August 16, 2022

  28. Invited Speaker, “中國及香港回歸25年來在科技方面的發展及成就”,「新地齊讀好書 X 未來工程師大賽」悅讀.閱創 STEM 講座,July 24, 2022

  29. Invited Speaker, “Introduction to AI and Metaverse”, JUMP x FinTecubator Innovation Seminar Series, Hangseng Bank, October 20,2022

  30. Invited Speaker, “香港回歸25周年 - 國家與香港科創戰略發展分享”, 香港資訊科技聯會、香港科創協會, July 4,2022

  31. Invited Speaker, 介紹人工智能的最新發展和對就業可能帶來的影響, 工聯會, July 22, 2021 

  32. Invited Speaker, 「第四屆中國STEM教育發展大會」, April 17, 2021 

  33. Invited Panelist, “領航『9+2』·首屆粵港澳大灣區發展論壇暨頒獎典禮” 香港大公文匯傳媒集團、香港中國企業協會、香港廣東社團總會、大灣區金融科技促進會co-organise, March 19,2021 

  34. Invited Speaker, 《十四五規劃下的灣區金融科技:機遇與創新》研討會, Nov 24, 2020 at 02:30-05:00pm
  35. Invited Lecturer, 「中國十四五規劃」與創新科技, 亞洲週刊X 一國兩制青年論壇「中國十四五規劃」經濟前瞻網上證書課程, 18th December,2020 at 07:30-09:30PM
  36. Invited Talk, Invitation to Speak at LexisNexis Knowledge Sharing Panel, September 21,2020
  37. Invited Panelist, “Building Human Trust in AI: From Workplace To Civil Society”, The AI Summit Hong Kong 2020, 6th August,2020 at 03:35PM
  38. Invited Talk, “Meet the Giants”: AIoT Empowerment: The Future of Living, ICT Expo, July 27,2020
  39. Invited Talk, Trends and Opportunities of Big Data Analytics and AI in the Greater Bay Area, Federeation of Hong Kong Industries International Forum (FHKI), 29 June,2020
  40. Invited Talk,年深港澳科技论坛(深圳场)深圳市科技服務交流中心 29 June,2020
  41. Invited Talk,「智齡抗疫新世代智齡生活數碼化」 4th session of the Golden Age Webinar Series Hong Kong, June 12, 2020
  42. Invited Talk, “STEAM for Education”, 2019 Greater Bay Area STEM Education Forum, Dongguan, December 7, 2019
  43. Invited Panelist, Xiaoguwei. International Industry Talent Forum 2019, Guangzhou, December 1, 2019
  44. Invited Talk, “Relationships between AI and Human”, Shenzhen-Hong Kong Science and Technology Annual Meeting, Shenzhen, November 29, 2019.
  45. Invited Panelist, “Asia Coming Tech-Slash”, Technology Summit Asia 2019. The Economist, September 5 2019.
  46. Invited Talk, “Relationships between AI and Human”, 2019 AI Summit, August 7 2019.
  47. Invited Talk, “Role of HK in GBA”, Forum in Innovation and Collaboration Development in Greater Bay Area, organized by Chinese Academy of Social Science and CUHK, July 25 2019.
  48.     Invited Talk, “Relationships between AI and Human”, Institute of Vocational Education – Lee Wai Lee, IVE (LWL), May 2 2019.
  49.     Invited panelist, “Opportunities for HK Teachers and Youths in China”, HK Federation of Education Workers (HKFEW), April 15 2019.
  50.     Invited Talk, “Relationships between AI and Human”, Internet Economic Symposium (IES), March 27 2019.
  51.     Invited Penalist, “BBC Global Questions of Hong Kong: Youth and Future of Work”, BBC, Grand Hyatt, HK, March 25 2019.
  52.     Invited panelis, “Opportunities for HK ICT Industry in China, HK IT Joint Council (HKITJC),
  53.     Invited Talk, “Relationships between AI and Human”, Rotary Club of City Norwest (HK),, HKCEC, March 30 2019.
  54.     Invited Talk, “Relationships between AI and Human”, CENTRUM CHARITAS Foundation cum Belt & Road Research Centre, Jan 28 2019.
  55.     Invited Lecture to government officers, “Introdction of AI”, Labour Department, HK Government, Panda Hotel, Tuen Wan, HK, December 14 2018.
  56.     Invited Lecture, “AI+”, BCS HK Section, VTC, Wanchai, HK, Dec 7 2018.
  57.     Invited Talk, “Engineering in STEM”, EDB Seminar, Theme “The Role of Enfineering in STEM Education”, EDB Kowloon Tong Teacher Service Centre, HK, Deecember 6 2018.
  58.     Invited Lecture, “Enterprise, Academic and Research Collaboration”, Guangdong Ocean University (廣東海洋大學) , CUHK-SCS, November 16 2018.(in Chinese)
  59.     Invited Talk, “Engineering for STEM”, Innauguration Ceremony HK STEM Education Alliance, Nov 3 2018.
  60.     Invited lecture, “Innovation and Technology Development in Greater Bay Area”, Guanzhou Anhui Province Business Federation, CUHK, Hong Kong, September 3, 2018.
  61.     Keynorte Speech, “STEM behind the BAT”, IMMC-2018, PolyU, Hong Kong, August 10 2018.
  62.     Invited Lecture to senior civil servants, “Big Data and Innovation & Technology Development”, Civil Service Bureau, Hong Kong Government, at Central Library, August 9 2018. (in Chinese)
  63.     Invited Lecture, “Enterprise, Academic and Research Collaboration”, Shenzhen University of Technology management, at CUHK-SCS, August 8 2018. (in Chinese)
  64.     Invited Lecture, “Artificial Intelligence – The Global Arms Force”, The Foreign Correspondent’s Club, Hong Kong, August 7 2018
  65.     Invited Lecture, “Enterprise, Academic and Research Collaboration & How to improve innovatve thinking and research ability in education?” CUHK-SCS, August 3 2018. (in Chinese)
  66.     Invited Talk, “HK’s Innovation Technology Development in the Greater Bay Area”, Asean Trade Summit, organized by Metro Radio, at J.W. Marriot Hotel, July 9 2018.
  67.     Invited Lecture, “Technology Transfer in CUHK” (in Chinese), for Guangzhou Government Delegation, CUHK, June 29 2018.
  68.     Invited Speaker, “Social Entrepreneurship”, Y-Care Award Presentation and Seminar, YMCA, Hong Kong, January 23 2018.
  69. Invited Talk, “Innovation & Technology Development of HK”, Shenzhen Government, at the Shenzhen Communist Party School, Shenzhen, June 12 2018. (in Chinese)
  70. Public Lecture, “STEM Behind the BAT”, Central Library, Hong Kong, December 10, 2017.
  71. Invited Speaker, “The Traps in Big Data”, Inno Carnival 2017, HK Science Park, Oct 22 2017.
  72. Invited Speaker, “Lead Technologies for Technology Leaders”, InnoTech Expo 2017, Open Foundation Hong Kong, HKCEC, Sept 25 20
  73.     Invited Speaker, “Engineering in STEM”, Academy of Sciences of Hong Kong, CUHK, April 28 20
  74.     Invited Speaker, “The Fun of Modeling”, Teachers’ Professional Experience Sharing Month 2016 (TPSEM’2016), Quality Education Fund (QEF) Hong Kong Education Bureau, March 19, 2016.
  75.     Invited Speaker, “Considerations of the National Thirteenth Five Year Technology Strategic Plan from the Hong Kong Prospective”, Beijing Hong Kong Economic Collaboration Forum, Beijing, November 26 2014.
  76.     Invited Speaker, “Social Commuting”, Asia Pacific Cloud App and Smart City Forum, HKECE, Hong Kong, April 13 2014.
  77.     Invited Panelist, “The Net Generation”, HK Youth Leader Forum, HKCEC, June 2, 2012.
  78.     Invited speaker, “Roles of HK in the National 12th 5 Year Strategic Plan”, 2011 Knowledge Exchange Conference (KEC2011), HKCEC, Wanchai, HK, Dec 5-6, 2011.
  79.     Invited Speaker, “Cloud Computing for SMEs”, Cloud Strategics, Nov 18 2011, Hong Kong.
  80.     Invited Speaker, “Pros and Cons of Cloud Computing”, ICT Expo 2009. HKCEC, April 15 2009.
  81.     Invited Speaker, “To Be a Good e-Citizen”, Nan-Shan Doctorate Weekly Public Form, Nanshan Public Library, Shenzhen, May 11, 2008.
  82.     Invited Speaker, “The Roles of Universities in Hong Kong for OSS Development”, Asian Open Source Software Conference and Showcase (AOSS2008), Guangzhou, March 13-14 2008.
  83.     Invited Speaker, “Is Open Source Software Feasible?”, 2006 Pearl River Delta Software Industry Cooperation and Development Forum, Guangzhou, November 8-9, 2006.
  84.     Invited Speaker, “A Secure Workplace for the Government”, Conference on Exploring the Use of Modern ICT with the Academia, organized by OGCIO, HKSAR, Central Library, Hong Kong, October 25, 2006.
  85.     Invited panel speaker, “Innovation Policy and High Growth Startups”, Marriot Hotel, Hong Kong, May 25, 2006.
  86.     Invited speaker, “IPOC – a Chinese Search Engine”, Made by Hong Kong Conference and Exhibition, Science Park, November 8, 2003.
  87.     Invited Speaker, “Turning Innovation to Reality”, Made by Hong Kong Conference and Exhibition, organized by HK Institute of Science, Science Park, November 8, 2003.
  88.     Invited Panel speaker, Workshop on “New Applications and E-Business Solutions”, in Hong Kong German ICT Forum”, organized by TDC, HKCEC, September 23, 2003.
  89.     Invited speaker, “eGovernment Summit”, organized by IDG, Hong Kong Conventional and Exhibition Centre, July 15-16, 2003.
  90.     Invited Speaker: “Web Services for E-Government”, HKU SPACE Seminar on From E-Government to E-Security, February 26-27, 2003.
  91.     Invited speaker in the Technology for Tomorrow - Hi Tech Exhibition, as July, 1997, City University of Hong Kong. Topics: "Chinese Information Processing" (an event to celebrate the Hong Kong handover)

  1. Invited Speaker, “Can ChatGPT Make You Smarter? ” IET Wireless Symposium 2023, Hong Kong, June 12, 2023

  2. Invited Speaker, 「科普教育研究計劃」專家顧問座談會, orgnised by Hong Kong Institutde of Asia-Pacific Studies of The Chinese University of Hong Kong, 4 Dec,2021 

  3. Invited Moderator, Global Tech Summit, Conference Room S425, HK Convention & Exhibition  Center ( 1 Harbour Road, Wanchai), 3 Dec, 2021 

  4. Invited Speaker, 亞太研究所 「科普教育研究計劃」專家顧問座談會Hong Kong Institute of Asia-Pacific Studies of The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Dec 24, 2021 

  5. Invited Speaker, “Big Data: Is it a tool or weapon for national security?”, Communication and Public Relations Office of The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Nov 24, 2021 

  6. Invited Speaker, 香港 x 廣州雙城合作網上論壇建議書 - 智慧時代雙城記(創新科技), July 20, 2021 
    Invited Speaker, Social Media and You, The Privacy Commissioner for Personal Data, June 22, 2021 

  7. Invited Panelist, 灣區科技融合助力國際科技創新中心建設論壇, Organised by One Country Two Systems Research Institute of The University of Hong Kong, June 21, 2021 

  8. Invited Speaker, 人工智能与人类智能 AI vs HI, 深圳教育論壇, 24 May, 2021 at 2:20pm.  

  9. Invited Speaker, “University Taster Lectures - A Closer Look at the Current Technology & Economic Development”, ELCHK Lutheran Academy, May 17,2021 

  10. Invited Speaker, Social Media and You, The Privacy Commissioner for Personal Data May 3, 2021 at 2:35pm 

  11. Invited Panelist, “領航『9+2』·首屆粵港澳大灣區發展論壇暨頒獎典禮” 香港大公文匯傳媒集團、香港中國企業協會、香港廣東社團總會、大灣區金融科技促進會co-organise, Dec 9,2020

  12. Invited Panelist, “All For, All Rounded’s For All - Smarter Education 智慧型教”, Smart Education Expo 2020, December 4,2020 

  13. Guest Speaker, “AI For Smart Energy”, Smart Energy Award Ceremony, CLP Power, Dec 2020.  

  14. Invited Panelist, “The Science of Self-Disruption”, FinancFial Times Digital Dialogue, Nov 25,2020  

  15. Invited Speaker, 粵港澳大灣區傑出青年企業家評選活動, 主題:大灣區創科新經濟 October 29,2020 

  16. Invited Talk for Civil Servants,”活在人工智能的世代 - 現在與未來走向”, Home Affairs Department, North Point Communicty Hall, October 23, 2020 & 20 November, 2020 

  17. Invited Talk for Civil Servants,”活在人工智能的世代 - 現在與未來走向”, Customs Headquarters Building, Hong Kong, January 20, 2020.   

  18. Invited Talk for Professionals, Seminar on Science Foundation and Technology Policy in Hong Kong and Macau- “Analysis on the Development of Innovation Technology in the Greater Bay Area”, (科學基金與港澳科技政策研討會), December 8, 2019 

  19. Invited Talk, “Analysis on the Development of Innovation Technology in the Greater Bay Area”, Seminar on Science Foundation and Technology Policy in Hong Kong and Macau (科學基金與港澳科技政策研討會), Guangzhou, December 8, 2019.  

  20. Invited Speaker, “Enterprise Adoption and Business Models of Open Sources and Open Data”, PMI-HK Seminar, HKPC, Dec 4, 2019. 

  21. Invited Talk for Civil Servants,”活在人工智能的世代 - 現在與未來走向”, North Point Government Offices, Hong Kong, December 4, 2019.   

  22. Invited Talk, “Summary of the 2019 National Two Parties Meetings (兩會)”, Luncheon Meeting, HK Association of Advancement of Science & Technology *HKAAST), Wanchai, May 9 2019..   

  23. Invited Talk, “AI and STEM Education”, Future Kid STEM Forum (4), EDB Kowloon Tong Education Service Centre, Kolwloon Tong, HK, Jan 5 2019. 

  24. Invited Talk, “AI+ Education, Find Solution Ai (FSAi), Cordis Hotel, Mongkok, HK, November 20 2018. 

  25. Invited Moderator, “The Role of HK in the Hi Tech Industry in Greater Bay Area”, Shenzhen Hi-Tech Fair, HKTDC, November 14 2018. 

  26.  Invited Talk, “The 9+2 Alliance in the Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macau Greater Big Area”, the 3rd CAAI Youth Forum, Harbin Institute of Technology (Shenzhen Campus), December 21.2017. 

  27. Invited Panel Chair, “Global Tech Summit of BIP 2017”, Trade Development Council, HKCEC, Hong Kong, December 8, 2017. 

  28. Invited Lecture: “Technology Transfer: from Idea to Product”, GZ Entrepreneur Delegation, CUHK-SCS, June 30 2018. 

  29. Invited Speaker (Group Leader), “SWOT of Lok Ma Chau Loop”, Academy of Sciences of Hong Kong (ASHK), HK Design Centre, Beijing, April 1, 2017. 

  30. Invited Speaker, “Entrepreneurship in Liberal Arts Education”, Wesleyan College of Guangzhou University, March 13, 2017.  

  31. Invited Speaker, “Collaboration between Guangzhou Hong Kong/Macau”, Opening Ceremony, Inauguration Ceremony of the 10th Guangzhou Association Science and Technology, Feb 21, 2017. 

  32. Invited panelist, “Shenzhen Hong Kong Technology Transfer”, International Technology Innovation and Smart Technology Summit 2015, Shenzhen, August 12, 2015.  

  33. Invited Speaker, Panel on “Internet+”, 两岸四地科技合作论坛 in the 17th Annual Meeting of the China Association of Science and Technology, Guangzhou, May 23-24 2015. 

  34. Invited Speaker, “Veracity in Big Data”, 2015 Guangzhou, Hong Kong and Macau Technology and Industry Advancement Forum in the 17th Annual Meeting of the China Association of Science and Technology, Guangzhou, May 23-24 2015. 

  35. Invited Speaker, “Big Data for Manufacturing”, Hong Kong Federation of Innovative Technologies and Manufacturing Industries (FITMI), Hong Kong, April 27 2015. 

  36. Invited Speaker, Panel on “What would happen if you cannot swim in wild water?”, 2015 Opportunity Conference, CUHK, April 11, 2015. 

  37. Invited Speaker, “Veracity - The Challenge of Big Data and Digital Social Networks”, ISACA Asia-Pacific CACS 2015, Hong Kong, March 24 2015  

  38. Invited Speaker, “Overview of the MoE Key Lab on High Confidence Software Technologies CUHK Sub-Lab”, Beijing, Jan 15 2015. 

  39. Invited Speaker, “The Story of Edward Snowden”, Luncheon Talk, Rotary Club of Hong Kong North, June 5 2014. 

  40. Invited talk, “The Art of Social Computing”, HK Institute of Chartered Accounts, Nov 23 2013. 

  41. Invited Lecture, “Technology Transfer in CUHK” (in Chinese), for Jiejiang Government Delegation, CUHK, August 28 2013.  

  42. Invited Lecture, “Technology Transfer in CUHK” (in Chinese), for Sanshui, Foshan Government Delegation, CUHK-SCS, June 28 2013. 

  43. Invited Lecture, “Technology Transfer in CUHK” (in Chinese), for Senior Administartors, South China Normal University Guangzhou, CUHK, June 21 2013. 

  44. Invited Lecture, “Technology Transfer in CUHK” (in Chinese), for Guangzhou Shipyard Company Ltd., CUHK-SCS, Nov 22, 2013. 

  45. Invited Lecture, “Technology Transfer in HK” (in Chinese), for Foshan Government Delegation, CUHK-SCS, Nov 27 2012. 

  46. Invited Lecture, “Knowledge Transfer of CUHK” (in Chinese), CUHK-SCS, Nov 5, 2012, Hong Kong. (to Heilongjiang graduate school management delegation) 

  47. Speaker, “Are you being watched? (The Secret of Cloud Computing)”, Open seminar by ISACA-China and BCS-HK, June 5, 2012. 

  48. Invited Lecture, “Knowledge Transfer of CUHK” (in Chinese), CUHK SCS, Dec 21,  2011, Hong Kong. 

  49. Invited Lecture, “Technology Transfer in Hong Kong”” (in Chinese), CUHK SCS, Dec 13, 2011, Hong Kong.   

  50. Invited Speaker, “Technology Entrepreneurship”, ICT Career Lecture Series, CUHK, April 19 2010. 

  51. Invited Speaker, “Future Trends in IOT – Internet of Things”, ASL Seminar, Shenzhen, December 23, 2009. 

  52. Invited Speaker, “Turning Innovation into Reality”, Hong Kong Robot Net Seminar, CyberPort, HK, July 5 2009. 

  53. Invited Speaker, “Cloud Computing for SME”, HK General Chamber of Commerce, June 29 2009. 

  54. Invited Speaker, Panel on “Control of Obscene and Indecent Articles Ordinance – ISP perspectives”, HK Internet Service Provider Association (HKISPA), June 25, 2009. 

  55. Invited Speaker, “Trends in IT Education”, Pearson Education Forum, Hong Kong, March 21 2009.  

  56. Invited Speaker, “Managing Innovation and Technology Projects”, PMI-HK Seminar, HKPC, August 28, 2008. 

  57. Invited Speaker, “The Risks and Challenges of Web 3.0”, Commercial Press Book Store, Hong Kong, December 11 2010. 

  58. Invited Speaker, “CRM 3.0”, UFIDA Forum, July 8 2011, Hong Kong.  

  59. Invited Speaker, “School Cloud”, Education and Innovation Technology Conference 2011, Cyberport, Hong Kong, April 29, 2011.  

  60. Invited Speaker, “Innovation technology and Hong Kong”, Business and Professionals Federation of Hong Kong, April 9 2011. 

  61. Invited Speaker, “Evolution of Database Systems”, Oracle Technology Summit, Conrad Hotel, Hong Kong, October 25 2007. 

  62. Invited panel speaker, Innovation and IT, IBM, Conrad Hotel, June 14, 2006. 

  63. Invited Speaker, “What is Web 2.0, NewsML and Blog?”, Hong Kong Office of Government Chief Information Officer, April 28, 2006. 

  64. Invited Speaker, “What is Open Source Software?”, Hong Kong Productivity Council, March 22, 2006. 

  65. Invited Speaker, “Turning Innovation into Reality”, iSeries Solutions Day: Making Cents with IT Innovation, organized by IBM, Langham Place Hotel, Hong Kong, September 22, 2005. 

  66. Invited Speaker: “Web Services for E-Government”, HKSAR ITSD E-Government Seminar, Nov 26, 2002. 

  67. Invited Speaker: “Technology Transfer”, HK Java User Group (HKJUG), November 21, 2002. 

  68. Invited Speaker: “Open Source Software”, ITSD Office and Business Systems Software Symposium, July 18, 2002. ITSD HKSAR. 

  1. Invited Speaker, “Can ChatGPT Make You Smarter?” EMBA (Chinese) ouyang,The Chinese University of Hong Kong, July 2,2023

  2. Invited Speaker, 粵港大灣區超級連繫共同體9+2 講座, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, June 25,2021 at 3:00pm 

  3. Invited Speaker, A Closer Look at the Current Technology & Economic Development, ELCHK Lutheran Academy, May 17,2021 

  4. Invited Speaker, 國家的科技創新和領先科技講座, HKFEW Wong Cho Bau Secondary School, May 6,2021 at 12:20pm  

  5. Invited Speaker, 國家的科技創新和領先科技講座, 香港教育工作者聯會黃楚標中學, May 6, 2021 

  6. Invited Speaker, 石門中學第十七屆科技節視頻講座, April 28, 2021 

  7. Invited Speaker,《兩會》啟示:國家科技與經濟發展, Hong Kong Baptist University Affiliated School Wong Kam Fai Secondary and Primary School, March 26,2021 at 12nn 

  8. Invited Speaker,《兩會》啟示:國家科技與經濟發展, Pui Kiu Middle School, March 22,2021 

  9. Guest of Honour & invited speech: “Innovation”, STEMaker Contest, Prize Presentation Ceremony, Tung Wah Group of Hospitals Chang Ming Thien College, Dec 5,2020
  10.     Guest Of Honour & invited speech: “Innovation Culture”, Graduation Ceremony, Lingnan Secondary School, June 29 2018.
  11.     Guest Of Honour & invited speech: “The Arts of Robotics”, mBot Robotic Competition Award Presentation Ceremony, Fung Kai Liu Man Shek Tong Secondar School, Sheng Shui, NT, Hong Kong.
  12.     Invited Speaker, “STEM Behind the BAT”, Po Leung Kok Ma Kam Ming Secondary School, Fanling, HK, January 5 2018.
  13.     Invited Speaker, “STEM Behind the BAT”, Mu Kuang English School, Kwun Tong, HK, January 3 2018.
  14.     Invited Speaker, “STEM Behind the BAT”, Po Leung Kok C.W. Chu College, Shatin, HK, January 3 20
  15.     Invited Speaker and Guest-Of-Honour, Speech Day and 19th Graduation Ceremony, Cheung Pui Chung Memorial School, HK, July 7, 2017.
  16.     Invited talk, “The Story of Edward Snowden, the Whistle Blower”, Heng Seng Management College, March 6 2014.
  17.     Invited talk, “ICT Career and Education”, Lions College, HK, Dec 12 2013.
  18.     Invited talk, “ICT Career and Education”, Buddhist Sin Tak College, HK, Dec 12 2013.
  19.     Invited Speaker, “Turning Innovation into Reality”, Hong Kong Institute of Vocational Education (Shatin), Final Year Project Day 2009, June 23 20
  20.     Invited Speaker, IBM Eweek, “Be a Good e-Citizen”, CNEC Christian College, July 6, 2006.
  21.     Invited Speaker, “How Technology shapes our Future?”, Mingpao’s Student Leadership Program, CUHK, March 5, 2005.
  22.     Invited Speaker, “How Technology shapes our Future?”, Lam Tai Fai College, Shatin, Hong Kong, March 2, 2005
  1. Invited Panelist, “Trends in NLP”, CAAI-AIDL, theme “Frontiers of AI”, Shenzhen, December 22 2018.
  2. Invited Panelist, “NLP for Microblog”, 2017 China Association of Artificial Intelligence (CAAI) Salon, Foshan, Oct 13-14 2017.
  3. Invited Panelist, “Application of Language Intelligence”, 2017 China Association of Artificial Intelligence (CAAI) annual conference, Hangzhou, July 21-23 2017.
  4. Invited talk, “NLP for Microblog Summarization”, University of Washington, May 30, 2017.
  5.     Invited Speaker, “Do You Trust Big Data?”, Huaran Software Institute, Guagzhou University, March 13, 2017.
  6.     Invited Speaker, “Microblog Summarization”, Fudan International Conference on Data Science, Fudan University, Shanghai, China, Dec 17-18 2016.
  7.     Invited Speaker, “NLP for Microblog Processing”, University of Macau, Nov.14, 2016.
  8.     Invited Speaker, Panel on “Deep Learning for Natural Language Processing”, 4th International Conference on Natural Language Processing & Chinese Computing (NLPCC2015), Nanchang, 9-13/10/2015.
  9.     Invited Speaker, “Emergent Rumour Detection and Credibility Ranking on Social Media”, 2nd China-Korea Database Research Workshop, Jeju, Korea, April 28-29, 2014.
  10.     Invited Speaker, “Emergent Rumour Detection and Credibility Ranking on Social Media”. 2014 Big Data Workshop, Hong Kong, April 22-23, 2014.
  11.     Invited Speaker, “Rumour Detection in Social Media” (in Chinese), for YOSEF, Harbin Chapter, Harbin, August 18, 2013.
  12.     Invited Speaker, “Uncertainty Classification in Social Media”, China Computer Federation Young Computer Scientists and Engineers Forum (Harbin Branch), Harbin, China, August 18 2013.
  13.     Invited speaker, “Query-Driven Opinion Summarisation”, International Workshop with Mentors on Database, Web and Information Management for Young Researchers 2011, Kyoto, Japan, Aug 1-2 2011.
  14.     Invited Speaker, “A Unified Graph Model for Sentence-based Opinion Retrieval”, International Workshop with Mentors on Database, Web and Information Management for Young Researchers 2010, Aoyama Gakuin University, Tokyo, August 2-4, 2010.
  15.     Invited Speaker, “Opinion Retrieval”, China Computer Federation - Database Technical Committee Workshop, Xian, China, May 28 2010.
  16.     Invited Speaker, “Difficulties in Innovation technology Transfer”, 2008 International Conference on Industrial Technology Innovation: Global Research and Open Innovation”, Taiwan Institution of Economic Research (TIER), Taipei, August 21-12, 2008.
  17.     Invited Speaker, “Who should you trust from a group of stock analysts?”, FDM’07, Beijing, Dec 17-18, 2007.
  18.     Invited Speaker, “A Phonetic-Based Approach to Chinese Chat Text Normalization”, 6th Annual Conference of Chinese Information Processing Society, Beijing, November 20-22, 2006.
  19.     Invited Speaker, “Chinese Temporal Information Processing”, Lanzhou University, China, March 27, 2006.
  20.     Invited Speaker on “Empowering e-Business in News Media and Publishing (NMP) Industry”, International Conference on the Trend of Chinese News Digitalization, Shih Hsin University, Taiwan, May 5 2005.
  21.     Invited tutorial, "Information Retrieval for Oriental Languages", 1997 International Conference on Computer Processing of Oriental Languages, April 2-4, 1997, Hong Kong.
  22.     Invited speaker in the 1996 Chinese National Database Conference, Harbin, China, Jan 8-11, 1996.
  23.     Invited Tutorial, "Parallel Database Systems Techniques" at EuroPar'95 Conference, Stockholm, Sweden, August 28, 1995.
  24.     Invited Tutorial on "Parallel Database Systems Techniques" at 1995 Symposium on Applied Computing, Nashville, Tennessee, USA, February 26 1995.
  25.     Invited speaker in PerfTool'92 (6th International Conference on Modeling Techniques and Tools for Computer Performance Evaluation, September 92, Edinburgh, Scotland.
  26.     Invited speaker in SPEC (System Performance Evaluation Corporation) workshop, April 92, Munich, Germany.
  1. Keynote Speaker, “Can ChatGPT Make You Smarter? ” ISACA Annual Conference ,Hong Kong ,June 16,2023
  2. Keynote Speaker,“粵港澳大灣區創新科技及發展前瞻”,香港規劃師學會粵港澳大灣區規劃與發展持續專業進修課程2023,Hong Kong ,June 10,2023. (online)
  3. Keynote Speaker, "Metaverse and Blockchain”, HK Association for Science and Mathematics Education, July 23, 2022
  4. Invited Keynote Speaker, 4th International Conference on Natural Language Processing and Information Retrieval (NLPIR), December 19,2020
  5. Keynote Speaker, 4th International Conference on Natural Language Processing and Information Retrieval, December 18-20 2020, Seoul, Korea. (online)
  6. Keynote Speaker, EY X MSFT AI White Paper Launch Event, Ernest & Young Advisory Service Ltd. November 24,2020
  7. Keynote Speaker, 3rd International Conference on Natural Language Processing and Information Retrieval, June 28 - 30, 2019, Tokushima University, Japan
  8. Keynote Speaker, “To Be or Not To Be That’s the Question”, Google STEM and Computing Science Conference 2018, Singapore, January 28-20 2018.
  9. Keynote Speaker, “Social Media Content Analysis – NLP and Beyond”, Global AI Technology Conference (GAITC), Beijing, May 21-22 2017.
  10. Keynote Speaker, “Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macau Bay Area: HK Prospective”, Inauguration Ceremony of the HGITA Panyu Service Centre, Guanzhou University City, Panyu, Guangzhou, March 11 2017.
  11. Keynote Speaker, “NLP for Microblog Summarization”, 12th Asia Information Retrieval Societies Conference, November 30 - December 2, 2016.
  12. Keynote Speaker, “The Position of Hong Kong National 13th Five Year Technology Strategy Plan”, Inauguration Ceremony of the Hong Kong Guangzhou Innovation and Technology Association (HGITA), March 18 2016.
  13. Keynote Speaker, “NLP for Microblog Summarization”, 19th International Conference on Asian Language Processing, Suzhou, China, October 24-25 2015.
  14. Keynote Speaker, “The Art of Social Computing”, IT Conference 2013, Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants, Kowloon Shangrila Hotel, November 23 2013.
  15. Keynote Speaker, “Social Computing:, ICT Conference, organized by Informatics & Control Technologies Section IET Hong Kong, Sept 14 2013.
  16. Keynote speaker, “The Roles of Hong Kong under National Twelve Five Year Technology Plan” (in Chinese), Shenzhen, December 16 2011.
  17. Keynote Speaker, “Difficulties in Innovation Technology Transfer”, 2008 International Conference on Industrial Technology Innovation: Global Research and Open Innovation”, Taiwan Institute of Economic Research, Taipei, August 21-22 2008.
  18. Keynote Speaker, “A Phonetic-Based Approach to Chinese Chat Text Normalization”, 23rd National Chinese Database Conference, Guangzhou, November 11-13, 2006.
  19. Keynote Speaker, “Automatic Query Transliteration for Cross Lingual Information Retrieval”, WISA’05, Shenyang, China, September 24-26, 2005.
  20. Keynote Speaker on “The road ahead to E-news business”, Chinese Media Digital Archives and News Markup Language Conference, National Library, Taipei, May 11-12, 2005.
  21. Keynote speaker: “Enterprise Portal and Webservices Conference”, IDG, Hong Kong Conventional and Exhibition Centre, June 18, 2003.
  22. ACM Distinguished Lecture: “Chinese Information Retrieval”, ACM SIGMOD (Japan Chapter), 1996.
  23. ACM Distinguished Lecture: “Chinese Information Retrieval”, Kyoto University, Japan, 1996.
  24. ACM Distinguished Lecture: “Chinese Information Retrieval”, Osaka University, Japan, 1996.
  25. ACM Distinguished Lecture: “Chinese Information Retrieval”, Tsukuba University, Japan, 1996.